Designing a fashion website

To say that fash­ion websites are a bit out of my comfort zone is a defin­ite under­state­ment. For all that I’ve occa­sion­ally been accused of being styl­ish (rarely, I might add, and mostly in the over­coat depart­ment), under­stand­ing the fash­ion audi­ence is a diffi­cult intu­it­ive leap for someone whose usual choices revolve around two ques­tions: a) will it fit […]

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Service design conference

At the begin­ning of February I star­ted a bit of a career shift. From spare-time designer and full-time web editor, to full-time designer. My new job meant I moved halfway across the coun­try to Lancaster (aka the Frozen North), for a job in Academia — at a design research centre called Imagination. Yes, a designer for design­ers, aka a glut­ton for punish­ment. Now […]

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We promise

Well, hello there! Long time no see. Yeah. Sorry about the year-long hiatus, I had to get some stuff sorted out. Anyway, I’m now living in Lancaster in the UK’s frozen North (winter is coming), and I have a job as an actual designer! How excit­ing. I’ll update you on some of the projects I’ve been work­ing on in […]

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#hack4good London

I had a great time this week­end at hack4good London. Ended up work­ing on a project for International Medical Corps UK, who needed a system devel­op­ing that would help those affected by disasters and conflict report prob­lems on the ground. As people affected by disasters could have limited access to tech­no­logy — even basic stuff like some­thing to write with […]

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Who has the best chance of understanding infographics?

This was the ques­tion my disser­ta­tion ended up answer­ing. It wasn’t neces­sar­ily the ques­tion I star­ted with, but hey, that’s science. Or some­thing like it. The answer is (depend­ing on the type of infographic): A man of above aver­age numer­acy with a doctoral-level degree between 45 and 54 years old. Apart from this singu­larly unhelp­ful cari­ca­ture, this is what else I found. […]

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Getting transport right for young people

Here are two infograph­ics I did for a report into ‘Why getting trans­port right matters to young people’ by the Campaign for Better Transport. The first high­lights the discre­pen­cies in the number of local author­it­ies offer­ing cheaper bus fares to disad­vant­aged groups: people who are young and unem­ployed, compared with people who are disabled and older people. The […]

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The No Smoking Day game

As the digital lead for No Smoking Day 2013, I got to commis­sion some­thing I have never commis­sioned before — an online game. No Smoking Day is a tricky prospect. It does­n’t have the free­dom of other no smoking campaigns to berate and bully smokers into becom­ing non-smokers — quite the oppos­ite. The mandate of No Smoking Day is […]

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