Connecting the dots

Yesterday I had the pleas­ure of going to Open Tech UK. I was surprised they even let me in the door, these things are usually pass­word protec­ted… Once I got over the initial shyness, I managed to talk to plenty of people who really care about getting people involved. They included: the Open Rights Group — these guys are big […]

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New translation on animal welfare

It’s far too late, and despite my best efforts it’s still terribly wordy, but here it is, and you have two and a half days (until the 3 July 2009) to reply to it. I under­stand it’s a contro­ver­sial subject, so no rant­ing please, unless it’s construct­ive and sent directly to the consulta­tion email address! You can down­load the PDF […]

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Important information about swine flu!

So said the leaf­let that has dropped through every door in the United Kingdom. At my last ever liter­acy volun­teer­ing session in Birmingham (at the wonder­ful Brasshouse Language Learning Centre, with the tutor Nerys and all the adult liter­acy students), we went through this oh-so-important leaf­let, and came up with stum­bling blocks all over the place! […]

Read more "Important information about swine flu!"

What should I translate next?

The next set of consulta­tions is up for you to vote on! The one you chose will also (hope­fully!) be taken up by the clever people at Write to Reply — who will be display­ing my trans­la­tion side by side with the real consulta­tion, and you can comment on each para­graph, too. This month’s options are: How […]

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Working together to protect crowded places: part 2

The second half of this consulta­tion is a little some­thing for build­ing plan­ners, design­ers and local author­it­ies. It’s supposed to be a handy guide suggest­ing how to build secur­ity into public places, but at nearly 80 pages, “handy” does­n’t quite cut it. This one is a little less complic­ated, at 7 neat pages. Download it here if you prefer […]

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Working together to protect crowded places — a translation

More than 80 people voted in the latest trans­la­tion request poll (thank you!), and most of you voted for me to trans­late the protect­ing crowded places consulta­tion from the Home Office. This is actu­ally two consulta­tions in one. The first on general guidelines for how local author­it­ies and busi­nesses should tackle increas­ing their secur­ity against terrorist […]

Read more "Working together to protect crowded places — a translation"