Vote for a new translation — this week ticket touting, vegetable sizes and selling houses

Please vote on what you would like me to trans­late next. There aren’t many excit­ing consulta­tions around at the moment, so if you’ve come across anything else you’re having trouble inter­pret­ing, please let me know and I will attempt it! I’m hoping for an answer from the Job Centre on the new disab­il­ity bene­fit this week, so look […]

Read more "Vote for a new translation — this week ticket touting, vegetable sizes and selling houses"

Please vote for your next translation!

The options are up for the next trans­la­tion. They are: 21st Century SchoolsA large and compre­hens­ive (no pun inten­ded!) look at where the UK’s educa­tion system is going. Mayors and Indirectly Elected LeadersA consulta­tion on making it easier to peti­tion your coun­cils on how you want the top jobs decided. National Flood Emergency FrameworkExtremely detailed consulta­tion on how […]

Read more "Please vote for your next translation!"


Read your entirely unof­fi­cial trans­la­tion of the latest step in the UK Eco-towns scheme below: Publish at Scribd or explore others: Europe Government envir­on­ment planning

Read more "Eco-towns"