The government’s looking at giving patients the ability to spend directly on the care they need, not just being put on a waiting list or going to an NHS therapy service that’s too far away. I got an email asking if I could translate the consultation on this before I put the last poll up. They also asked if I could do the Energy one, so I put it in the poll.
Unfortunately not enough people were interested in hearing about the government’s Energy plans, so I hope you’re looking forward to the NHS constitution paper (that will probably be my next post, but I’m going on holiday so it might be a few weeks, sorry all!).
To keep you busy in the meantime, here’s a simple version of the Department of Health’s Direct payments for Health Care. Please note this is NOT the Easy Read version the original paper promises, I don’t know where that is… :)
Remember, you need to respond by 8 January 2010 if you have strong feelings about this paper.
You can download the simple version, or if you’ve got flash you can read it here:

Corinne Pritchard

Latest posts by Corinne Pritchard (see all)
- Linked — 5 September 2016
- Designing a fashion website — 26 October 2014
- Service design conference — 9 October 2014
CorinneCongratulations on a brilliant translation of a brilliant idea — this is an open ended invitation to fraudsters to exploit the most vulnerable people.