
Read your entirely unof­fi­cial trans­la­tion of the latest step in the UK Eco-towns scheme below:

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Corinne Pritchard

Information Designer at Simply Understand
I believe design and design­ers can and should make the world a better place. I love design­ing things that help people under­stand complex ideas.

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2 thoughts on “Eco-towns

  1. Could use a bit more details on the “Eco” side, as for the most part you could simply be describ­ing “towns”. There’s much about what they intend, but not how. I guess that may be outside the scope of this paper; nonethe­less, here’s a few questions.Any new revolu­tion­ary features in the eco hous­ing? Or in the recyc­ling of waste and water? What new provi­sion will there be for elec­tric vehicles, both public and personal; are they anti­cip­at­ing battery vehichles which recharge, or hydro­gen fuel cell vehicles which need refuel­ling pumps? What’s going in the open spaces mentioned?And one possibly key point which isn’t mentioned, but which arises when you consider the comments about “half the jour­neys should not need a car” and “prox­im­ity to a big town or city”: How big, both geograph­ic­ally and in popu­la­tion, will an ecotown be? 

  2. Excellent questions!Now, from read­ing the other papers (not the one I did the trans­la­tion for), they’re aiming for 5,000–10,000 homes per town.As for the rest, the paper basic­ally says that what the govern­ment is doing is setting targets, for energy use, for recyc­ling, water, etc. These targets far exceed the one set for us by the EU. How we reach those targets, the tech­no­logy, the ways and means, are all up to the chosen developer, they just have to hit those targets. 

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