Hire me


Hi, I’m Corinne Pritchard. I’m an information designer and my services are available for hire. I love getting to the core of information and refiguring it so it makes sense to the reader.

I have been simpli­fy­ing complic­ated docu­ments and design­ing leaf­lets since 2008, and I gradu­ated from the University of Reading with a Masters in Information Design in 2012. I have over a decade’s exper­i­ence in web design and content editing.

My infograph­ics have featured in the Daily Mail, press confer­ences for the British Heart Foundation, Parliamentary magazines and Department of Health publications.

I am currently based in the Netherlands.

Email: c.pritchard@simplyunderstand.com

Phone: +31 6 57737985


  • Simplification — copy edit­ing, design and podcast services for web, print and communications
  • Visualisation — video, infograph­ics, inter­act­ive and graphic repres­ent­a­tions of processes and data
  • Design — web, inter­ac­tion, user exper­i­ence and print design
  • Consultancy — advice and meth­ods for making your web, mobile, print and commu­nic­a­tions projects more effect­ive, user-friendly and user-focused. Also avail­able for wayshow­ing and wayfind­ing projects.
  • I am also avail­able as a speaker on simpli­fic­a­tion, plain language and inform­a­tion design issues.


My rates depend on the job and are always negotiable.


The work Corinne did for our consulta­tion on credit cards was remark­able, creat­ive and beautifully-presented. On a very short times­cale, she turned a 100-page docu­ment into 10 crisp, read­able pages bring­ing credit card policy to life for every­day consumers. The accom­pa­ny­ing podcast summary she arranged was magni­fi­cent: clear, straight­for­ward and enga­ging.” — October 28, 2009

Corinne is an excel­lent copy­writer who condensed a long-winded dry and complex consulta­tion docu­ment into a friendly, easy to under­stand concise two pager which she styled beau­ti­fully. She then recor­ded a great podcast explain­ing the issues, in this case the complex­it­ies of credit card agree­ments. That piece of work produced fant­astic results and became one of our most popu­lar consulta­tions ever. Corinne also worked incred­ibly quickly — a seri­ous plus when deal­ing with govern­ment, as was tremend­ously good value. Would defin­itely hire her again. Impressive.” — April 27, 2011

5 thoughts on “Hire me

  1. Just a quick note to say that I abso­lutely loved your comment on the Telegraph’s article about cupcakes/bunny girls/50s fash­ion — very well put!

    Best wishes,


  2. Cerebra is a unique char­ity set up to help improve the lives of chil­dren with neur­o­lo­gical condi­tions and brain injury. We are a research char­ity with an emphasis on inform­a­tion dissem­in­a­tion. I would like to hire you to do two infograph­ics for us. One on claim­ing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and one on toilet train­ing. We even­tu­ally want to do a series of these so we’d need to estab­lish some Cerebra brand­ing with these first two. Can you let me know how we proceed? Thank you . Tracy 

  3. Remember me? (Gambling Commission). You are doing some very inter­est­ing work on data visualisation.

    I am having to use the new census data to invest­ig­ate policy implic­a­tions for the city coun­cil in Birmingham. I am inter­ested in combin­ing some of the key messages into an engaging/challenging/thought provok­ing etc… Infographic that can be shared with politi­cians, managers, staff. I want it to reson­ate and bring the data and what it means to life. 

    I also inter­ested in train­ing one or more of my staff in creat­ing info graphics. 

    If I wanted to commis­sion you to do an infographic on census relat­ing to burn­ing policy issues in Birmingham what would be a rough cost? We could provide data and policy angles/stories to work from. 

    Look forward to hear­ing from you. 


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