Ecotowns and the Social Fund

Apologies for the unne­ces­sary delay, dear read­ers! I’ll be using this lovely holi­day (when I’m not eating, sleep­ing or play­ing on my Wii Fit — so much fun! So much muscle pain!) to produce last week’s poll-winning consulta­tion — Ecotowns in the UK! As a bonus, I’ll also be doing a very short trans­la­tion of the latest […]

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The Future is here!

Good even­ing! Take one exceed­ingly long (58 pages), and exceed­ingly dull (I do wish I under­stood the kick you guys seem to get at the thought of buses and trains and the M42!), simmer and reduce since… early this morn­ing, add a bit of spice and colour, and voilà, here’s the UK trans­port plan for the next […]

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National Identity Cards

The UK is intro­du­cing offi­cial ID cards over the next couple of years. There has been a massive amount of polit­ical debate, and a lot of vocal oppos­i­tion, mostly through the No2ID campaign. Personally, I’m on the fence. Privacy is already at a massive premium, with CCTV cameras, satel­lite networks, the UK census, voter regis­tra­tion, lost disks and laptops, […]

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